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Commercial Loans

Growth can be one of the most difficult and rewarding parts of owning a business.

Our Commercial Loan Center is a comprehensive resource designed to help you understand how commercial loans work. Take a look at each of the following pages for more information:

As your company continues to grow, increasing your workspace through a commercial mortgage becomes increasingly important.

More information about our commercial loan offerings can be found by contacting us via email or by telephone at 801-221-9400. Our qualified professionals are ready to answer any and all of your commercial loan questions as well as help you begin the application process.

Commercial Mortgage Advantages

Keep Control of Ownership through a Commercial Loan

One of the most important benefits of going with a commercial mortgage is that you retain total ownership over your business. Instead of selling an interest or raising funds you maintain complete control. Your success is entirely your own to keep. You've worked hard to get your business in a situation where a commercial mortgage makes sense for you. Don't risk the future of your company by selling interest, especially when commercial loans help you maintain that control.

You Benefit as the Property Appreciates in Value

Additionally, when you own your own property or building you gain the advantages of appreciation on that property. Much like a traditional residential mortgage your initial investment could see positive gains on return. The money received from the appreciation of your property can be used for further expansion, research and development, advertising or in any other way that you as the business owner sees fit. This advantage alone makes commercial property investment worth it. Our commercial lending specialists can help craft a plan for you that shows which properties are best for your companies situation. Together you can find the right solution to grow your business.

Improve Cash Flow with a Commercial Loan

Another great advantage of owning your own business property is improved cash flow. With a minimal up-front payment you can design a repayment schedule that fits your needs perfectly. This flexibility allows you to keep your money longer allowing you to spend it where you see fit. Your repayment schedule will be determined by the kind of property as well as the needs of your company. We can help you determine the repayment schedule that works best for your situation.

Commercial Properties are Eligible for Tax Deductions

When owning your own commercial property you’ll also be the beneficiary of tax breaks. Interest paid on your commercial mortgage is tax deductible as well as any maintanence or repairs that you make to the property.

Property Depreciation Reduces Taxes and Improves Cash Flow

Not only can you write-off interest paid on your property you can also claim a depreciation deduction. This unique concept allows business owners to deduct the amount your property has depreciated by in the last year. Depending on your property your depreciation deduction can sometimes range in the tens of thousands of dollars. This advantage to commercial properties can save you money over time.

To find other great benefits of owing your commercial property please speak with one of our commercial mortgage specialist today or apply online now!

How Do Commercial Loans Work?

A commercial loan differs from a residential mortgage in that the collateral used to secure a commercial loan is a commercial building or business real estate instead of a residential property. What’s more is commercial mortgages are generally assumed by a business entity instead of an individual borrower. As a result of this, assessing and securing a commercial mortgage is somewhat more complicated than a residential mortgage. A complex process involving many factors plays into determining creditworthiness for a business.

At Pro Mortgage *Not a real mortgage company it’s our privilege to guide you through this new and exciting process. Two of the most important aspects of a commercial mortgage to keep in mind are interest rate and loan repayment schedule.

Interest Rate

Most commercial loans offered today are fixed. This means you have the security of knowing that if interest rates were to increase you wouldn’t be stuck making higher monthly payments. Conversely some borrowers are opting for a variable interest rate to take advantage of lower initial payments. However, a loan of this nature runs the risk of having interest rates increase and thus increasing your monthly payment.

Loan Repayment Schedule

Unlike residential mortgage loans, most commercial loans require a balloon payment at some point during the loan term. This means that after a given amount of time making small monthly repayments, the borrower would be required to make a large final payment consisting of the remainder of the loan. Loan Repayment Schedules which call for a longer time to repay the loan typically have higher interest rates.

Please speak with one of our representatives today to take advantage of this terrific opportunity to grow your business. We’ll guide you every step of the way and customize a commercial mortgage solution specific for your business.

Is a Commercial Loan Right for Me?

If you’re considering any of the following as a means to grow your business then a commercial mortgage might be right for you.

These include, but are not limited to, the following institutions.

Every borrower’s situation is a little different, so be sure to email or call one of our commercial loan specialists today. We look forward to offering you a personalized commercial mortgage solution tailored to fit your company’s needs.

Qualifications for a Commercial Mortgage

Qualification for a commercial mortgage depends largely on the type of property or building that is being applied for. For a more in-depth look at qualifying commercial properties please check out our commercial loan type page.

Despite some specifics on certain properties there are general criteria for qualification. As a business owner it is important for you to be able to show that your company has an appropriate debt to cash ratio. Even a company with a poor credit rating can still receive a commercial mortgage if the primary owner can show good personal credit as well as sufficient liquid assets.

Additionally, your company will need to show a continued and stable pattern of profitability as well as plans for future growth. This might include, but not limited to, copies of your business plan, earning projections and long-term business goals.

For a more detailed and personalized assessment of commercial mortgage qualifications please email or call 801-221-9400 today and speak with one of our commercial loan specialists.